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Greater Grand Rapids
National Issues Forums

A Different Kind of Talk, Another Way to Act


Gerald R. Ford Museum
Grand Rapids Public Library

Kettering Foundation
National Issues Forums Institute
Study Circles Resource Center



The Greater Grand Rapids National Issues Forums and the Grand Rapids Study Class take great pleasure in presenting a new report on a history of Deliberative Discussion Forums held in Grand Rapids over the last eleven years regarding Racial Relations. Click below to read this new report:

The (Im)Possible Goal: Rowing, Not Drifting, toward Cultural Unity in Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Greater Grand Rapids National Issues Forum (GGRNIF) is a local network that organizes public, free forums that give citizens the opportunity for dialogue on important community issues. The NIF is rooted in the simple notion that people need to come together to reason and talk - to deliberate about common problems. A variety of topics have been discussed, including alcohol, foreign policy, freedom of speech, health care, public schools, politics, race, welfare and violence.

The GGRNIF has held forums on a variety of topics since its inception in the early 1980's. Most NIF forums are based on Issue Books provided through the Kettering Foundation. Many of the books are still available to order, and new books are published each year.


Click below to read a new report on:

The State of Leadership in Grand Rapids: An Environmental Scan
A re We Making a Difference?

from the Community Leadership Institute of Aquinas College